Mental Health in the Workplace

Learning how to spot these problems

Mental Health Training

Ensuring that line managers are trained up and aware of mental health issues that could impact those that report into them is vital. Spotting changes in mood, behaviour and productivity can be the first step in identifying potential issues staff may be having that is affecting their mental health.

Open door policy

Having an open door policy can help with communicating issues that an employee maybe suffering with. It can make them feel more comfortable having a space at work where they can share these feelings and be assured of their confidentiality.

Why is this the case?

This can be due to work related stress, often related to work load and tight deadlines or it could be as a result of a poor workplace environment where fellow colleagues or management create a toxic workplace culture . In some cases however, it can be as a result of an existing mental heath condition such as anxiety or depression. Personal issues that an employee is dealing with like a recent bereavement or change in a significant relationship can also impact an individuals mental health.

Promoting Mental Health Awareness

Supporting mental health in the workplace is crucial for creating a positive and productive environment. There are many ways your business can do this.

Conducting regular mental health workshops and training sessions can make colleagues who may suffer from mental health problems feel more relaxed and safe. It is also a chance for those who do not experience these problems to be educated on these matters. Providing useful resources around the workplace which employees can pick up and read will ensure that there is an open culture where mental health can be discussed. Consider training up some staff as mental health first aiders.

Team building activities

Team building activities can encourage open communication, strengthen relationships, and build trust among employees, making it easier for individuals to discuss mental health issues without fear of being judged. By participating in team-building exercises, employees can develop a sense of community and a trusted support, group which can significantly reduce feelings of loneliness and stress.

Promoting wellness programmes

Offering employees programmes that promote physical health and wellbeing can help with boosting mood and energy levels. This could be in the form of yoga sessions, walk and talk meetings, mindful workshops and more!


Did you know?

According to ‘Breathe HR’, our trusted HRIS software, 57% of all working days in the UK lost to sickness are estimated to be mental health-related.


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